adettes to share their thoughts and ideas. We are a group of 6th-8th graders discovering our voice and our identity. We have a lot to say. Maybe someone out there is ready to listen!

Friday, April 1, 2011


How familar are you with this word?  How often do you think about your own character?  Does it matter now in your life?  When should you start to think about character? Can you begin setting the stage NOW?  How is character obtained?  How can you build character?

Friday, March 4, 2011

School is Cool

"There's a lot that's cool about middle school."  Recently, I heard a middle school girl talk about all the cool stuff happening in middle school..I thought, "wow."  When I was in middle school, I could barely sleep at night because I anxious for the next day at school to start. Tell me what's cool about middle school? What is special about being at do you you recall one incident where you laughed so hard at school that your belly ached?  Or were you the she-hero for the day because you were the only one who could solve that difficult math problem? 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Black Girls Rock

A few months BET hosted a show called Black Girls Rock.  The show celebrated black girls who have accomplished many things in entertainment, education, science, and in their communities. Why is it important to celebrate our accomplishments? 

Imagine for one day that you were a black girl who rock...what would your impact be?  Are you a scientist who discover a cure for Cancer?  Or are you a community activist who build low-income houses for single mothers?  Decide for yourself how you can become a black girl who ROCKS!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Rap Music is a Form of Poetry

It has been said over and over that rap music is lyrical poetry.  So, does that mean that all rap music is poetry?  Is Lil Wayne a poet? If we consider him a poet, how do you understand what he is saying? Can you listen to one of Lil Wayne's rap songs, and automatically recite a verse?  Or for that matter, can you write down what he is saying?

Tell me do you think all rappers are poets?  Who is your favorite poet?  Do read poetry?  What do you like about poetry?  What don't you like about poetry?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Skinny Jeans

You might think that skinny jeans just became the latest fashion trend skyrocketing throughout your school.  Shocking to many tweens and teens, fashion comes back again and again.  There's nothing new under the sun.  The 70's had bell bottom jeans, and before long they came back in style.

Is skinny jeans a part of your wardrobe?  Do you think they're here today, and gone tomorrow?  Do you try to keep up with the latest trends in fashion? Or do you just create your own style?  Do skinny jeans say something about your personality?  Are you a cool girl because you own a pair of skinny jeans?  Let me know what you think.