adettes to share their thoughts and ideas. We are a group of 6th-8th graders discovering our voice and our identity. We have a lot to say. Maybe someone out there is ready to listen!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Black Girls Rock

A few months BET hosted a show called Black Girls Rock.  The show celebrated black girls who have accomplished many things in entertainment, education, science, and in their communities. Why is it important to celebrate our accomplishments? 

Imagine for one day that you were a black girl who rock...what would your impact be?  Are you a scientist who discover a cure for Cancer?  Or are you a community activist who build low-income houses for single mothers?  Decide for yourself how you can become a black girl who ROCKS!


  1. To tell the truth i already am a black girl that rocks but if i was a famous black girl that rock or a BGTR i would go around the world giving speech to females telling them that it is okay to be different and that u dont have to like the latest trends.I would give workshops where u have to do one exciting and unique thing a day but it will have to bring in good not bad criticism and then i would teach them how to deal with issues SUPER SABRINA

  2. Imaging that i was a black girl who rocked will since i just taught about it um i guess my impact would be to go around putting posters up so that black girls can have a day to celebrate for themselves.well it may be easy for me to help women build low-income houses for single mothers it will be easy for me to become a black women who rocks by help girls and women around the world.bye with FANTASTIC FATOUMATA.

  3. I could discover a new way to prevent diabetes.I would have meetings with girls in the usa and tell them to not eat much candy.They should exercise more and eat girls rock is a great show to show.For example tyra banks was the 1st african american victoria's secret ALIYAH
